Data Upload and Quality Control: log in

Welcome to the GeneNetwork Data Upload and Quality Control System.

This tool helps you prepare and upload research data to GeneNetwork for analysis.

Getting Started

The sections below explain the features of the system. Review this guide to learn how to use the system.

You need to sign in to use this system.


GeneNetwork supports genetic studies across multiple species (e.g. mice [Mus musculus], human [homo sapiens], rats [Rattus norvegicus], etc.) . Here you can:

  • View all species that are currently supported
  • Add new species not yet in the system


A "population" refers to a specific subgroup within a species that you’re studying (e.g., BXD mice). Here you can:

  • View the populations that exist for a selected species
  • Add new populations of study for a selected species


Manage individual specimens or cases used in your experiments. These include:

  • Experimental subjects
  • Data sources (e.g., tissue samples, clinical cases)
  • Strain means (instead of entering multiple BXD1 individuals, for example, the mean would be entered for a single BXD1 strain)

Genotype Data

Upload and review genetic markers and allele encodings for your population. Key details:

  • Markers are species-level (e.g., mouse SNP databases).
  • Allele data is population-specific (tied to your experimental samples).

Requirement: Samples must already have been registered in the system before uploading genotype data.

Phenotype Data

Phenotypes are the visible traits or features of a living thing. For example, phenotypes include:

  • Weight
  • Height
  • Color (such as the color of fur or eyes)

This part of the system will allow you to upload and manage the values for different phenotypes from various samples in your studies.